Wall Fabrics | NZ | AUS Wholesale Fabric

Ensuing an early career with an established New Zealand fabric wholesaler, Roger Wall established Wall Fabrics by way of facilitating a single sale of excess fabric from one local designer to another. Travel to Hong Kong followed the exchange, and a decades-long supply relationship with some of the best international designer-end suppliers began in 1991.

After 15 years of operating from a single Auckland location, our Australian office was established in Sydney to service the local fashion industry, and our Melbourne premises followed soon thereafter. Now with 30 years in the business, we are proud to remain a New Zealand owned and operated company and an influential presence within our local fashion communities. Our sales team actively offer their expertise to wholesale clients throughout New Zealand and Australia, with ongoing travel and a personal, forward-thinking approach to sales.

Our sourcing model stems from long-term relationships with leading international designers, garment makers, mills, and agents, through which we procure predominately deadstock fabrics. Nurturing these partnerships over many years allows us to continually source some of the best designer fabrics for the fashion market, with exclusivity and quality our focus. Learn more about our approach to sustainable fabric sourcing here.
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We're proud to maintain long-standing relationships with a wide range of key fashion and design tertiary educational providers across New Zealand and Australia, providing ongoing student discount programs, graduation and award sponsorships.

Over the years we have developed a comprehensive fabric donation scheme to divert all of our fabric off-cuts and remnants to local schools, tertiary education providers, community groups and charities. In addition to this, we maintain a philanthropic program supporting a variety of local organisations through event sponsorship, fundraising support, direct advertising and project partnerships.

If you're looking for support, we'd love to hear from you — get in touch with our Auckland team here.